Resilient Families – Faith Through Formation Presents Guest Speaker, Natasha Crain

Faithfully Different
Hear from national speaker, author, blogger, and podcaster Natasha Crain, as she introduces the importance of incorporating apologetics into kids’ faith development and walks through the four key areas of knowledge they need: What the Bible teaches, Why believe it, What others believe, and answering challenges.
If you have a biblical worldview, you’re now in a shrinking worldview minority. And the dominant worldview of the culture around us—a strident secularism—is fundamentally at odds with the biblical worldview. This opposing and often hostile secularism is putting extensive pressure on 1) what Christians believe, 2) the ways our beliefs inform how we think, and 3) how we live out our faith. In this talk, Natasha will share how we can each regain clarity on what it means to be faithfully different from today’s culture for 1) the health of our own relationship with the Lord and 2) our ability to effectively be salt and light to others.
Thanks to Evansville Christian School and local supporting churches for leading the Resilient Families, Faith Through Formation initiative, making this special speaker series possible at no cost to the community.
Please click on the button below to register for the Resilient Families Speaker Series.
Natasha is passionate about equipping Christians to think biblically in today’s increasingly challenging secular culture. As a well-known author, she has written five impactful books, including Talking with Your Kids about Jesus, Faithfully Different: Regaining Biblical Clarity in a Secular Culture, and her upcoming release When Culture Hates You: Persevering for the Common Good as Christians in a Hostile Public Square. Her work has earned endorsements from influential figures such as Sean McDowell, John Stonestreet, Greg Koukl, and Nancy Pearcey.
Natasha’s articles have appeared in prominent publications, including Focus on the Family Magazine and the Christian Research Journal, and she has been interviewed on radio shows across the U.S. and Canada. She holds an MBA from UCLA, a BA in Economics from USC, and a certificate in Christian Apologetics from Biola University.
Natasha and her husband have been married for over 20 years and are parents to three children. The family resides in Southern California. You can connect with Natasha through her blog and podcast, where she continues to empower parents and individuals to navigate cultural challenges with biblical wisdom. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from Natasha Crain and gain practical insights to strengthen your family’s faith!