High School News: We’re Expanding!
Since 1975, Evansville Christian School has existed to empower students to embrace a Biblical worldview through spiritual and academic growth, servant leadership, and authentic relationships in the name of Jesus Christ.
Since our founding, God’s faithfulness towards our school has been evident. Though spiritual and academic growth are our chief aim, we have also seen abundant growth in our enrollment over the years. In fact, we have seen over 80% growth in the past decade alone!
In keeping with our Strategic Plan, our Comprehensive Facilities Planning committee is dedicated to addressing a number of space management challenges across all ECS campuses. Thanks to their efforts and because of the generosity of various donors, we are glad to announce the groundbreaking for an eight-classroom expansion to the south side of our current high school building, to begin in mid-February!
We are thankful to share that this expansion enables us to meet the rising demand for high school enrollment, which is expected to reach a historic peak this fall. This project is a vital step in our efforts to ensure that ALL Eagles have the space they need to thrive at Evansville Christian School.
This addition will serve as Phase 1 of a multiphase developing master plan at the corner of Epworth and Lincoln that would include a new high school facility, utilizing the current high school building as a middle school*.
Thank you to all of our community members for your continued support as we embark on this exciting journey. We will share construction updates on our website as well as via emails and social media posts, so stay tuned in for the latest developments!
*Any future facilities planning beyond this Phase 1 expansion will require a financial feasibility study.